The Wind Meadows Corporation (WMC) Guidelines, Rules and Regulations require that any change (appearance or structural) of the exterior of your home or landscaping must have prior approval by the ARC and WMC Board of Directors. This applies to ALL residents in Wind Meadows (Single Family, Garden, Manor, Patio, Village and Prairie Meadow Homes). These changes include, but are not limited to, changing the color of your single family home or roof, satellite dishes, window replacements, deck or patio modifications, replacement or changes to landscaping and swing set/jungle gyms to name a few. If you have any questions, contact the WMC office. Failure to obtain permission for a project may result in the project removed and incur fines.
An ARC Request for Change form is available online or contact the WMC Office. ARC meetings are held as needed and Board meetings are the third Monday of the month. Requests are due 30 days prior to the Board meeting. After Board approval, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to obtain any necessary building permits, etc. required by the Village of Wind Point.
The Wind Meadows Corporation (WMC) Guidelines Rules and Regulation require that ANY change (appearance or structural) of the exterior of your home or landscaping must have prior approval by the ARC and WMC Board of Directors. This applies to ALL residents in Wind Meadows. These changes include, but are not limited to, changing the color of you home, roof, satellite dishes, window replacement, deck or patio modifications, replacement or changes to landscaping and playsets, trampolines, etc. Submit all requests by using the ARC Request Form. No construction shall commence until approval of the committee is received.
No owner shall add to, delete or change the grounds, including all common and wooded areas without prior approval. Any change in the look or style of the grounds must be approved by the ARC and WMC Board of Directors. You are reminded there are no fences, sheds (or similar styles of structures), permanent basketball hoops, or pool allowed. Swing sets must be of wood construction. Gardens are allowed in single family homes in the deeded lot in the backyard and may not exceed 8 feet by 10 feet. 4x4 treated wood can be used however railroad ties are prohibited. No construction shall commence until approval of the committee is received.
Q: What is a "property management company," what do they do, and how do I reach them?
A: A property management company is contracted by the Board of Directors to provide such services as: Collection of assessments, supervision of contractors, obtaining bids for contracted services, providing financial statements and collection reports, as well as a general clearing house for problem solving, communications with homeowners and the Board of Directors and to serve in an advisor capacity. The management company reports directly to the Board and all decisions are made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The management company may be reached online through the Management Office page on this website or by phone from the numbers listed on the Contact Us page on this site.
Q: What is Wind Meadows Corporation (WMC)?
A: It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: Articles of Incorporation, Declarations, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. The governing legal documents for the corporation may be viewed online within the Resource Center page of this site. The corporation is financially supported by all owners/members. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
Q: What is the Declaration?
A: The Declaration is the governing legal document that sets up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. The Declaration was recorded by the County recorder's office of the County in which the property is located and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the Declaration may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online within the Resource Center page of this site.
Q: What are the Bylaws?
A: The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the association may be viewed online within the Resource Center page of this site.
Q: Are there any other rules?
A: Most communities such as WMC have developed Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations as provided for in the Declaration and adopted by the Board of Directors. Rules are established to provide direction to the homeowners for common courtesies with regard to parking, vehicles, pets and pool use hours, etc. In addition, as required, the corporation will adopt Architectural Guidelines with procedures for submitting requests to make exterior changes to your home. Such changes may include patio covers, decks, landscaping, exterior color changes or extensive interior changes and additions. These rules and guidelines are set up to maintain the aesthetic value and integrity of the community on behalf of all owners, and hopefully protect the market value of your investment as well. Violations of these rules may result in action by the Board of Directors and a fine. In addition, if you proceed with an exterior improvement or change, without written approval of the Board of Directors, or Architectural Committee, as applicable, you will be required to remove or correct the alteration and/or be fined for the violation. For more information about this topic visit the Resource Center page of this site.
Q: What is the responsibility of the Board of Directors?
A: Wind Meadows is a corporation and therefore a governing body is required to oversee its daily business. The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners, or as otherwise specified in the bylaws. The limitations and restrictions of the powers of the Board of Directors is outlined in the Association governing documents found within the Resource Center page of this site.
Q: Are Board Meetings open to all residents? If so, where and when are they held?
A: Yes. Notice of the time and place of any regular board meeting will be noted in the community newsletter, or accessed online on the Home page.
Q: If I want to serve on a committee, how do I find out what committees are active and how I can get involved?
A: The Contact Us page of this website will inform you of the status of current committees organized and committee contact information. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Wind Meadows Project Manager at 262-639-8974 or send an email from the home page on this site.
Q: What is my assessment?
A: The assessment is the monthly amount due from each homeowner to cover the operating expenses of the PSA (area), common amenities and provide for reserve funds for replacement of your PSA and common facilities in future years. Your assessments are due on the first of the month.
Q: How is the amount of my assessment determined?
A:The budget is determined by the Board of Directors each year. The budget is set upon specific guidelines for utilities, landscaping, administration, etc. Reserve funds are monies set aside for future expenses due to the life expectancy of certain
items such as: roofs, private street resurfacing, pool, leisure center, etc. The budget is adjusted periodically to meet anticipated expenses.
Q: Will my assessment go up?
A: The Board of Directors may approve an increased budget, increasing your assessment up in order to cover increased costs of operating and maintaining your PSA, the common areas and amenities as well as reserve funds.
Q: What happens if I don't pay my assessment?
A: The maintenance and management services incurred by the Association are dependent upon timely receipt of the assessments due from each homeowner. Late payments will result in a late charge as assessments are due on the first of the month. In addition, the Declaration allows the Association to charge late charges and interest and proceed with a lien on your property, or foreclosure proceeding for nonpayment of assessments.
The Wind Meadows Corporation insurance agency is Fidelis Insurance Services. The insurance carrier is Greater New York (Exterior Liability), Cincinnati (crime) and EMC (WC). The Master insurance policy covers liability and property damages for the Leisure Center, as well as for all Patio, Manor, Garden, Village and Prairie Meadows Homes. Coverage includes damage to the exterior of all buildings. NOT COVERED is any interior or personal property in the buildings such as wall covering (paint), flooring (carpet or other), furniture, clothing, jewelry, automobiles, etc. Please be sure to have appropriate personal unit coverage. The GNY policy has a $50,000 deductible. The type of claim filed will determine whether the deductible is the Association’s responsibility or the homeowner’s responsibility. Call your insurance provider to ask if your personal policy will cover the Association's deductible, some policies do provide deductible coverage and some do not. IMPORTANT: Please list Wind Meadows as "Additional Insured" on your personal homeowners, auto and umbrella policies.
For specific questions for your address please contact the insurance agency below (policy name. Wind Meadows Corporation):
​John Daniels, CIC, CWCU, President
4060 N Main St #108
Racine, WI 53402
Office Main: 262-456-0521
Fax: 262-583-0729
For monthly transfers from a checking account, follow the directions on the Automatic Transfer Form.
For other payment options please contact Washington Properties at or 262-639-8974.